Friday, June 29, 2007

Some Thoughts on the Day of Silence and Future of Internet Radio

Having participated in the Day of Silence this past Tuesday, I've uncovered some facts and figures that you may find noteworthy:

Approximately 4% of internet radio listeners took some sort of action Tuesday - calls. emails and/or correspondence with lawmakers concerning Internet radio.
According to Birch, 62% found their favorite station silent (or in our case, rebroadcasting the DOS network feed from Live365) on Tuesday.

Congress failed to act on Thursday and basically told the parties (SoundExchange/Webcasters) they needed to work it out themselves. I agree that government intervention isn't necessarily the best - or even a good option -

But wouldn't some type of neutral (translation: not financially compensated in any way from any side or party involved) third party be a possibility?

Why would SX come to the table...when they already OWN the table?

Well, I predict one of the following scenarios:

Live365 is somehow able to negotiate its own deal that allows it to continue operating, but with changes like standard listener caps being lowered, webcasters paying higher fees to broadcast, and/or listening only available by paid subscription;

A stay is issued by the court;

No one steps up to the plate, and services begin shutting down shortly after July 15.

Kudos to Rep. Jay Inslee for having the guts to stand up for webcasters. Unlike Fla. Senator Mel Martinez, who sent me a polite non-answer to my letter. Don't
expect my vote come Election time.

If Live365 does close, it's not the end of the world for me. I have other plans and ideas, the primary one being that my main source of income will not be coming from anything that is radio-related. I do plan to launch my new Part 15 station later this year. But making money from it is not in my plans. Not anymore.

No, if Live365 is gone, WJJD Internet radio will go silent. I won't put any more time, effort or funding into webcasting..not as long as SX is allowed to run loose
and do whatever they please..which is destroying a fledling business in order to support a dying one with an outmoded business model.

Independent artists will be the real losers. I can just close down and say "The heck with it." The indie artists - the ones you never hear on the radio - will be silenced. They won't get airplay. They won't get heard, or noticed. They will lose.

I keep preparing for the worst - closing down - and praying for the best - that someone with an IQ of over 29 and/or at least one active living brain cell - will
quit dilly-dallying and DO something in time to keep us on the air.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Day of Silence Tomorrow

Just a friendly reminder..WJJD will be participating in the Internet Radio Day of Silence tomorrow, June 26.

LIVE365's choice page has more information.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

A Little Sunday Quiet Time..

Today has been a little bit different.

It's actually quiet today. I've spent some time doing chores (some things never change)
such as laundry, cleaning out the fridge, cleaning - but I've also been reading today, too.

I've gotten quite captivated by some of the Karen Kingsbury books, especially the Redemption series, which chronicles the lives of the Baxter family. Kingsbury writes so well, that you actually feel as if you know the Baxters.

Once the chores were done, I decided to stay in and read. The reading led me to spend some quiet time alone with God.

"Quiet time alone with God..."

That has gotten more difficult. Our house is generally bustling with kids, grandkids, ringing phones, clanging dishes in the's [retty much anything but quiet.

Natuarally, I prayed for Marianne's healing, as I do every day, but today I was able to pray more specifically about some of my own fears and doubts. Things I usually try to avoid.

Things like..
What's wrong with me? Why can't I find a job in radio like I had before?

"I have a plan and purpose for you. Don't be discouraged."

I'm not a good provider, even though I try so hard.

"I will supply your every need."

A line from the Kingsbury book stuck in my mind. Imagine that you are a passenger in a car, going for a Sunday drive. God is at the wheel. The road may take you through valleys, dark tunnels and unexpected paths - but God is driving! All you need to do is let Him handle the journey.

Quiet day? Well, sure. But definitely not a wasted day. I spent some of it with God.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

WJJD to Participate in Day of Silence June 26

In the Internet radio world, the fight for a stay of the new royalty rates continues, with the
hope being that some form of relief comes before July 15, the date that the new rates kick in and those retroactive payments become due.

I keep reading that, absent a stay, there is a real probability that Live365, my streaming provider, will cease to exist. I don't know how true that is, but I've seen it in enough places to believe that it is a real possibility.

Live365 is joining with other webcasters and Internet stations to participate together in a Day of Silence on June 26. It is hoped that listeners, upon hearing only a brief PSA and then being directed to,
will be prompted to contact their Congressman(or woman) and encourage them to help support the passage of the Internet Radio Equality Act.

I haven't had time to dwell on this much, nor do I plan to. If Live365 closes after July 15, WJJD will also cease to exist. If Internet radio continues, so will WJJD, even with the $500 minimum
fee per channel, as long as the total remains divided out over the course of a year.

Of course, I certainly hope that Live365, WJJD and my other fellow webcasters prevail and are able to continue our broadcasts.

But we will be silent on June 26. And hoping that we won't HAVE to be silent after July 15.

Marianne Update # 2

Marianne was moved from the hospital to HealthSouth Rehab today.

Family friend Robert Roe was kind enough to take me over to see her at HealthSouth
late this afternoon, and there was some improvement today, especially regarding the pain
intensity. She seemed to be in better spirits today and I left feeling better than yesterday.

It still appears she's in for about two weeks at HealthSouth, with possibly up to eight weeks of total recovery time.

The phone calls have tapered off, at least here at home. Rob also took me out to eat with Rose
and the boys, which I appreciated because I can't seem to get in the groove of cooking an evening meal for one. I used to do it, but just haven't for several years now.

Today we were able to take her in a wheelchair outside to the courtyard and gazebo, and then
around to a small picnic area. I guess we were with her about 2 hours.

I do feel less worried about her recovery..last night scared me a little and I had a hard time getting to sleep. Of course, then today I could barely keep my eyes open!

But we are both in better spirits today.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Marianne's Surgery Update

Anyone that knows me is aware of the fact that I am extremely frightened of doctors and hospitals, due in large part to my hospital stays and eye operations while I was very young.

So this has NOT been an easy week for me!

Marianne was scheduled to be at the Community Hospital this past Monday at 6 a.m. for double knee replacement surgery. We were there before 6, and we were allowed into pre-op with her
shortly after 6:00.

I think my "brave" front vanished sometime shortly thereafter, as they began prepping her for surgery. It seems that when the nurses and ultimately, the doctor, came in and began the prepping, that I turned the same color as..oh, Casper the Friendly Ghost. Marianne told me later she thought I was going to maybe pass out in pre-op.

Once Marianne was being taken to surgery, we were given a pager; there was nothing to do but wait. Mom and I decided to get breakfast in the hospital cafeteria, which seemed to revive me a little. Then..back to the weaiting area.

Marianne was taken to surgery at about 7:25 a.m. At 10:15, the doctor came out to the waiting room to speak with us, and told us she had come through the surgery successfully and was doing
pretty well.

She remained in the recovery room until well past noon, and finally we were called to the desk and given the room number. We hurried there and got there just as Marianne was being wheeled in.

Then..the hospital staff decided that the room was too small, and moved her down the hall to a larger room. We were able to spend an hour or so with her, and then, because she was groggy, we left to give her a chance to sleep and get some rest.

I didn't get to see her at all on Tuesday.

Tonight, Mom and I went in for about 3 hours. I have to admit, I have a hard time seeing my spouse in so much pain. Of course, it should get better in time and give her mobility that she has not had in years. But tonight was very difficult for me. It about tore me up seeing her hurting so badly. The staff assured us that it will improve, and I appreciated the fact that her room is right next to a nurse's station.

Tomorrow (Thursday, June 21) she is scheduled to be transported to HealthSouth Rehabilitation, where they will be doing physical therapy and exercises. It looks like she will probably be in HealthSouth for at least two weeks.

I'll post updates here as necessary, provided that I myself haven't turned white and passed out..

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Just Bought Myself a Father's Day Present..

..As if I need any more big stuff in my house..

Today my dad and I went down and picked up a vintage Collins audio console that I'd
looked at last weekend. I bought it from a fellow veteran broadcaster..which to be is enjoyable in itself..chatting with a fellow broadcaster!

This is a big board. Interestingly enough, it is a 9-channel board (there are 10 pots, with #10 being the "master." The instruction manual, which I received along with the board, the plug-in modules and amps, and a turntable (which he threw in), is copyright 1961 by the Collins Radio Co. So this board and I are probably close in age..

In any event, I love the feel of the rotary pots..the toggle switches for program and audition..the fact that you could hook up a remote line to it for church services, live remotes and such..even a "net" input..which I like since I'd like to run USA Radio News at some point.

I'd ultimately like for it to be the AM station's control board, and use the smaller Radio Shack board for production, editing and is much smaller and only has 4 channels, including the mic. The Collins will take at least 13 inputs..plenty for what I need. that I've gotten it in the back do I fit all the other stuff back in??!!

Friday, June 08, 2007

Musicbox Needs A Building..

As I've begun putting together all of the plans for the new Musicbox Part 15 radio station, it is
very clear that if I don't get it into a larger space, there will barely be room to squeeze past
the doors, much less move around in, the control room.

It's quite a challenge to figure out things like: What will it take to keep WJJD on the air while also running separate programs over the AM? Do I need some extra equipment for production?
Where will all the music be stored? Can I still technically get my live show on WJJD if I want?

Since the idea of using the other mobile home didn't pan out, I'm looking into a separate radio building. I've figured that 336 square feet (the equivalent of a 12x30 portable building) is the
bare minimum. I'm also going to have to air-condition it, as the equipment needs a cooler environment to work best and last longer. I'm also hoping to have enough windows that from the on-air position, there is visibility on both sides and also in front.

I don't know who all reads the blog, but if you are aware of any small buildings for say, under $5000, I'd appreciate you letting me know!

I'd really like to get this station on the air..and I still have a transmitter to purchase.

The Musicbox site is HERE


Tuesday, June 05, 2007

My Writing Career..

I've really plunged into the catalog copywriting training. Having printed out the bulk of the course,
and watched the videos, I must admit, that I actually feel a bit excited about possibly developing some kind of career for myself once again.

Changing careers is something I've really never wanted to do, I guess. If radio stations and their owners had any stability, I would have probably stayed at the first station I ever worked at. But
that station sold to a new owner, who promptly fired all of us once the papers were signed.

I liked - well, loved - the next station, and worked there on and off for many, many years. The
instability of ownership there finally stessed me out to the breaking point, and when radio loses
all of its fun, well, it's time to go. I've been out of local radio for three years this July.

Which made me look hard at reality.

Find a new career path, or live on a little disability pay forevermore.

Frankly, I'm tired of being poor. When you are poor, you're not respected. You can't really help
other people. You stay stressed. And it never ends.

And, I had lost my ability to dream.

I'm planning to make a new dream board. There's a modular house plan that Marianne and I both like. She needs a newer, reliable car. On and on and on..and I realized that these needs/wants/desires that I hear about so often were driving me almost into depression.


Because there's no way I could provide them.

I will complete the course in just a few more days. And then, I am positioning myself as a catalog copywriter. I have job leads. I have the skill to write. I am HIGHLY motivated.

My weakness was in self-marketing.

At this point, I don't know if I'll do radio again. Maybe for fun with Part 15. But never again for
$7 or $8 an hour. That's an insult. And, I won't work for those kind of wages.

My goal is to be writing for a catalog client by July 1. I'll share my results here and we'll see how
things go.

Tennessee Was Wonderful!

Our trip to Madisonville, Tennessee was refreshing and really gave both me and Marianne some much needed respite away from the demands of being at home.

Marianne's parents have a very nice house, complete with an enclosed swimming pool (which is also heated, incidentally), a screened-in back porch with rocking chairs, a front porch with a swing
and a jacuzzi. Heck, I only left once the entire week, and that was when we took the boys to a park to feed the ducks. It was like going to a resort, almost.

The only bad part of the entire time was the trip home. Winding through the mountains wreaked havoc on my stomach, even after taking Bonine. I was nauseous for about 6 hours, recovering somewhat about the time we reached Macon, Georgia around 4 in the afternoon. I assure you, the trip home seemed like a LLLLOOOOONNNNGGGGGG ride, especially while I was feeling ill.

But..Tennessee is beautiful. I must admit, it seemed like it was getting light there around 5:30 a.m., and maybe it was..never looked at the clock to see. We ended up getting up around our normal time every day, as the boys woke up shortly after 7 in the morning. We went swimming daily. Marianne and Grandma Barton went to ceramics class a couple of times. I opted for the screened-in porch and rocking chairs. Even managed to do some light (translation: non work related) reading while I was there.

I must admit to feeling a little blue about coming home. I really couldn't find anything that excited me in the least about coming home, rather than being able to walk around on familiar turf and get my stomach better.

Thank God for in-laws who didn't mind having us come for a visit!