Saturday, June 16, 2007

Just Bought Myself a Father's Day Present..

..As if I need any more big stuff in my house..

Today my dad and I went down and picked up a vintage Collins audio console that I'd
looked at last weekend. I bought it from a fellow veteran broadcaster..which to be is enjoyable in itself..chatting with a fellow broadcaster!

This is a big board. Interestingly enough, it is a 9-channel board (there are 10 pots, with #10 being the "master." The instruction manual, which I received along with the board, the plug-in modules and amps, and a turntable (which he threw in), is copyright 1961 by the Collins Radio Co. So this board and I are probably close in age..

In any event, I love the feel of the rotary pots..the toggle switches for program and audition..the fact that you could hook up a remote line to it for church services, live remotes and such..even a "net" input..which I like since I'd like to run USA Radio News at some point.

I'd ultimately like for it to be the AM station's control board, and use the smaller Radio Shack board for production, editing and is much smaller and only has 4 channels, including the mic. The Collins will take at least 13 inputs..plenty for what I need. that I've gotten it in the back do I fit all the other stuff back in??!!


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