Sunday, May 20, 2007

Catalog Copywriter..A New Job Title

Having purchased Jay White's catalog copywriting course this past Tuesday, I've now had a chance to begin reading it more in depth.

Man! I am into this kind of writing!

Due to the gazillion things I am trying to pack into one life, I have just found it nearly impossible to crank out long sales letters. I did two long ones and of course, the shorter real estate ones that I've mentioned on the blog previously, during 2006. With the boys here full-time during the week, the internet radio station, freelance writing, and everything else (like cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc) it seems like it takes me weeks to write a long letter now. I'm not that fast at it anyway.

So, I've decided to plunge into catalog copywriting, effective June 5.

I've got plenty of leads to pursue; tons of reading to do; training videos to watch; and I am way past ready to do some writing that will pay.

I've begun redesigning the website to reflect this change. Check it out HERE


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