Friday, April 13, 2007

Well, Gee, Radio Folks..

I step away from the world of radio for three days and all hell breaks loose.

Now, I'm no fan of Don Imus or any of the other shock jocks, but really. Do we need to have Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson dictating their control over everyone else? Of course, as you probably know by know, Imus has been fired from MSNBC and CBS Radio.

If this offends you, well...this political correctness/offendedness/wallowing in victimhood stuff is horse puckey.

Why do I say that?

Because the SAME folks that are up in arms over Imus' comments about the Rutgers' basketball players would, no doubt, see nothing wrong with bashing Christians..or straights..or conservatives..or George W. Bush..

In other words, you can't say things that offend me, but I have the right to censor you and say what I want. What is wrong with this picture???!!!

So if you want to play this game fairly, it's also time for Sharpton, Jackson, Randi Rhodes, Rush, Hannity..on and on ad nauseum should also be off the air. Something everyone of these people say is bound to offend somebody somewhere.

I responded to a request for comments to the FCC regarding this issue yesterday. My April 12
letter to the Commission could be summed up like this: "The radio industry has spiraled out of control."

I guess the days are gone of local morning shows with community events, lost pets, and anything resembling a relationship with the listeners. Maybe that's why I don't listen any more.

Radio doesn't serve listeners. It serves Wall Street, stockholders and investors.


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