Tuesday, March 25, 2008

WJJD Country Giant Update

I've not written about WJJD Country Giant for some time, so thought I'd take a moment and let you know it's still broadcasting 24/7 on the Internet.

WJJD is Delta Star Radio's country/classic country station. The format also includes some Southern Gospel/Christian Country music sprinkled into the daily mix.


The Internet stream's name is changing from WJJD The Country Giant to 'The Big Country Giant."


Well, I've received several really old tapes from folks around the country that contain old station jingles, IDs and promos from a number of old country stations. Although the call letters change from market to market, you can tell that the imaging is similar. I've decided I'd like to share more of these with listeners. Therefore, it seems practical to move to the slightly more generic
term "big country giant." There will be no changes to the music whatsoever. But there will be additional station IDs..not only from WJJD, but also from WLOR, WWOD, WWOL, WJRZ, WENO, KFOX, KSAY and maybe some others.

**********POTENTIAL UPGRADES*********************

One thing I don't like is that I've had to stop doing live broadcasting on WJJD. This is because at the moment, the station is down to only one computer. This computer is used for Musicbox 1610's on-air programming daily. On Sunday evenings, while Dynamite Christian Country is running on 1610, I use the computer to upload new programming to WJJD.

This also has meant airing DCC on the local 1610, as opposed to via the Internet.

I've had a blurb on WJJD's website, but no response..so I'll put it up on the blog as well.
We are very much in need of a couple of DSL-capable computers. At least one, although two would be better.

Beginning in April, I'll also be sending FTP audio files to Access America satellite.

Ideally, WJJD Country would switch to local/live broadcasting (as opposed to running off of Live
365's servers in basic mode) as this would allow me to enlarge the playlist even more. I would also like to air a few news broadcasts each day. This alone would use one computer. This would also provide the capability to upgrade from our extremely low 8 kpbs bitrate.

The second PC would be used for business, writing (like I'm doing now) and Access America.

Okay..that's what I need.

To help raise money, I've got several Computer Games Gold CD-ROMs that I would like to get rid of. Originally, they sold for $47.95.

These CD-ROMs contain 500-plus computer games..suitable for the entire family. If you know any computer gamers, get them one of these as a gift. They are fun..we've played with one and
enjoyed it a lot.

I have 14 more of them, and they are for sale for $40.

Proceeds will go to Delta Star Radio, specifically for the purpose of getting some money for computer upgrades.

Please get a CD-ROM and help these upgrades along, won't you? I'd like to begin some upgrades around April 26 or shortly thereafter.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

MUSIC OF NEW LIFE goals and challenges..

MUSIC OF NEW LIFE is now in its 11th week of syndication. I've gotten a little bit of feedback about the show..not a lot, of course, it being such a niche market..but enough to feel encouraged.

Recently I sent out the first newsletter I've done in over a year. It really seemed pointless to do any kind of newsletter when there was nothing happening. Of course, for those of you who have been keeping up with the blog, you can tell that this show has been exciting for me to develop and bring back to the airwaves.

Here are some behind-the-scenes developments:

Plans are almost complete to air the program over Access America on Sunday mornings beginning in April. Access America, based in New Orleans, covers North America via satellite on Galaxy 25 and worldwide via streaming. I don't believe there are any other Christian programs on this network. That alone sets it apart from Christian shows that are loaded onto all-Christian networks. I'm hoping it helps some stations discover the music and message, and consider carrying it. Access America is a free-to-air satellite service. Our airtime would cost $20 per hour
or about $960 per year.

I've registered with SponsorAnything.com, hoping this will help put the ministry in front of sponsors I don't know about or who I might not think would be interested. I'm hoping to find enough sponsors to underwrite operating costs, fund one additional computer for doing FTP audio file uploads and such, and help pay for a building. I've seen one I really like for $12,500..of course, it may sell before a sponsor is found, but it never hurts to pray for a miracle!

I've estimated the total cost, including that particular building, to run us $14,045. That is the amount I'm praying and working toward now, as it is a terrific starting point to making the program into the best it can be.

In addition, I am also operating the direct-mail business with two primary companies. I am
thinking that it might be best to develop these two into decent money-makers so that any slack in donations can be covered in this way.

Thanks to all who are praying for the program, and have made contributions. I really appreciate the help and support.