Thursday, June 21, 2007

WJJD to Participate in Day of Silence June 26

In the Internet radio world, the fight for a stay of the new royalty rates continues, with the
hope being that some form of relief comes before July 15, the date that the new rates kick in and those retroactive payments become due.

I keep reading that, absent a stay, there is a real probability that Live365, my streaming provider, will cease to exist. I don't know how true that is, but I've seen it in enough places to believe that it is a real possibility.

Live365 is joining with other webcasters and Internet stations to participate together in a Day of Silence on June 26. It is hoped that listeners, upon hearing only a brief PSA and then being directed to,
will be prompted to contact their Congressman(or woman) and encourage them to help support the passage of the Internet Radio Equality Act.

I haven't had time to dwell on this much, nor do I plan to. If Live365 closes after July 15, WJJD will also cease to exist. If Internet radio continues, so will WJJD, even with the $500 minimum
fee per channel, as long as the total remains divided out over the course of a year.

Of course, I certainly hope that Live365, WJJD and my other fellow webcasters prevail and are able to continue our broadcasts.

But we will be silent on June 26. And hoping that we won't HAVE to be silent after July 15.


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