Okay, I'll admit, my frustration level has been tested repeatedly lately. Not just by
one thing, but life in general has just been hard lately.
Primarily, the situation with our house, which I wrote about in August, has not improved.
We are looking at facing a winter with some kind of portable heat, as the furnace is rusting out
to the point where the gas company has told me, "Replace it."
We are unable to use the laundry equipment as the floor is falling through. Likewise, the master bath is also basically unusable, lest someone fall through the floor, as I almost did in September.
Marianne and I went to a mobile home show but came away discouraged because of the cost of a new home. We'll need either a co-signer on the loan or land deeded over to us.
I have not been encouraged by the lack of response to my plea for help with the housing situation. My full-time gig adds only about $400 a month to our income and Marianne is
still searching for a job in her field. We're both fighting with feelings of failure.
I'm plugging through my writing course and writing a real letter here and there but still have a good deal of work to do.
Frankly, I feel more lost than I did at age 15 when everyone asks, "What do you want to do when you grow up?" My answer then was radio, which is what I still love. The difference is, there's nothing in this market left for me and other places don't look better.
I'd love to find something that pays a decent wage that:
a.) I can be passionate about
b.) I can do it from home
c.) I can get a reliable income from
d.) I can do in a few hours a week, while the boys are taking their nap
e.) It's not MLM. Like the concept but don't want to go through that again..lost big time..
Sure would like to get some more options in our lives, as we don't have many now and things are not getting better for us.