Friday, May 25, 2007

Time for a Break..

These 83 to 100 hour work weeks are sure keeping me busy!

I'm going to take the next week emails, no Internet, bo radio. Just some quality family time
before we must begin preparing for Marianne's surgery.

Her surgery is going to take a big bite out of our summer - first, because we will earn less; second, because she will be recovering for a number of weeks; and third, because I will have extra things to do in addition to my workload now.

I don't even plan to write anything next week. That's really taking a little time off.

See you in June!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Catalog Copywriter..A New Job Title

Having purchased Jay White's catalog copywriting course this past Tuesday, I've now had a chance to begin reading it more in depth.

Man! I am into this kind of writing!

Due to the gazillion things I am trying to pack into one life, I have just found it nearly impossible to crank out long sales letters. I did two long ones and of course, the shorter real estate ones that I've mentioned on the blog previously, during 2006. With the boys here full-time during the week, the internet radio station, freelance writing, and everything else (like cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc) it seems like it takes me weeks to write a long letter now. I'm not that fast at it anyway.

So, I've decided to plunge into catalog copywriting, effective June 5.

I've got plenty of leads to pursue; tons of reading to do; training videos to watch; and I am way past ready to do some writing that will pay.

I've begun redesigning the website to reflect this change. Check it out HERE

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Back to the Drawing Board..Literally..

Due to some sort of complications involving insurance coverage, the radio station's move to the spare mobile home is now off.

I'm now having to literally go back to some of the plans Marianne drew out some time back, in
hopes of having the new studio space custom-built.

Of course, this means, more months of working in cramped quarters, I'm sure. But I've grown tired of getting my hopes up over things just to have things fall to pieces.

The month of May has been tough financially. Both personally and for the business account.
I don't know when I'll be able to purchase the Rangemaster transmitter. With Marianne's surgery coming up, I will not touch any savings to put the station on. It's got to make it on its own, or with the help of radio friends. A few have offered items, but none have materialized yet.
I'm sure hoping some folks keep their word!

Unless I get a miracle, I'm most likely out of radio for the time being. I hate it.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Jerry Falwell Tribute

Jerry Falwell passed away today at the age of 73.

There were many times I board-op'd during his "Old Time Gospel Hour" 30 minute broadcast.

Falwell was a warrior. His views were not always popular, nor did I necessarily agree with all of them. But he was a man that I did respect, because you knew where he stood on things.

Jerry Falwell ran the race that He believed Jesus Christ called him to run, plain and simple.

RIP, Brother Falwell.

I Finally Bit the Bullet...

...and purchased the catalog copywriting course by Jay White.

For some time now, I've been investigating the coptwriting niche of writing catalog blocks as opposed to writing the more familiar long sales letters used in direct mail and on the web.

My schedule has stayed, well, interrupted...that spending weeks on a single project
that I couldn't put my heart into was just not appealing to me. Maybe it felt too much like work.

In any case, I purchased the course and have printed out the bulk of it already. Now, this is
something I believe I can fit into my schedule. Even if I can't, a few extra hours over the weekend will keep me going.

I've set, and shared with Marianne, my goals and levels that I intend to hit. This is certainly doable. And I'm ready to begin prospecting for catalog clients beginning the first week in June,
after our short vacation time.

If I can overcome the hurdle of getting clients...the main problem I kept encountering with the more traditional copywriting gigs...then the hard part of the battle will be won.

I'm ready to GO GET 'EM!!

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Marianne's Upcoming Surgery

My wife, Marianne, had an appointment with a doctor yesterday that was set up through Vocational Rehabilitation. Her bad knees had been X-rayed and the doctor's results and
recommendations were ready.

The X-rays showed "bone on bone;" hence, her recurring bouts of pain and inability to get around like she used to. The doctor told her she had two options: Live with it or have a double knee replacement surgery performed.

Well, by all means, she should have the surgery.

So now, we are waiting to see when VR schedules the surgery. She believes it will be in a couple of months. During the surgey and recovery, she'll be out of work for about six weeks.

Things may be tough. She's a better breadwinner than I am. She does not receive benefits, though. She has no sick leave. No health insurance. And no pay for the time she's off.

I've put in paperwork to do some projects for a Texas marketing company. Right now, it looks the most promising as far as helping me earn a reasonable income.

I'm also racing to get the new Part 15 station built. I was aiming for September, but earlier would be better.

Please remember Marianne in your prayers as she prepares for the surgery.

She's worth whatever it takes to get through this.