My wife, Marianne, had an appointment with a doctor yesterday that was set up through Vocational Rehabilitation. Her bad knees had been X-rayed and the doctor's results and
recommendations were ready.
The X-rays showed "bone on bone;" hence, her recurring bouts of pain and inability to get around like she used to. The doctor told her she had two options: Live with it or have a double knee replacement surgery performed.
Well, by all means, she should have the surgery.
So now, we are waiting to see when VR schedules the surgery. She believes it will be in a couple of months. During the surgey and recovery, she'll be out of work for about six weeks.
Things may be tough. She's a better breadwinner than I am. She does not receive benefits, though. She has no sick leave. No health insurance. And no pay for the time she's off.
I've put in paperwork to do some projects for a Texas marketing company. Right now, it looks the most promising as far as helping me earn a reasonable income.
I'm also racing to get the new Part 15 station built. I was aiming for September, but earlier would be better.
Please remember Marianne in your prayers as she prepares for the surgery.
She's worth whatever it takes to get through this.