Wild at Heart
I've been reading John Eldridge's book, "Wild at Heart," which is written specifically for Christian guys. A couple of things really stood out to me.
One is his description of Christian men you see in church. Look around, he says, not at what is being said, but what you observe. Most Christian men are...bored, Eldridge says.
I sometimes see this in myself. It sometimes feels like everything is more of a ritual than a sense of happiness, worship, and joy. Sundays are no exception.
Of course, he does mention the ladies. Look around, he says, not at what is being said, but what you observe. Most Christian women are...tired.
If men are bored and women are tired, what's the answer?
Of course, the book delves deeply into this subject from several angles.
Personally, I believe I found part of my answer in this statement:
"Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive,
and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive."
----Gil Bailie
Most of us are overwhelmed with life in general - its frantic pace, the neverending pleas for help:
"XXX needs this..bring it by Friday..." "We need helpers for the bake sale this Saturday..."
Need I go on? Heck, I've gotten so I practically cringe every time the phone rings..it's almost always somebody wanting something. And it's very seldom good or welcome news.
As the book points out, men have got to give themselves permission to be men. That's not a license to lie, cheat and steal, but it is a charter given by God to go out abd be brave, bold and strong - and heroes to our wives.
Well, the bottom line is..I liked this book. It kept me reading, unlike some Christian books that seem to be, more or less, chapters and chapters of rules. I felt like I got some meat out of this book, and some ideas that hopefully will make me more of a hero to my wife.
Here's the website for John Eldridge's ministry:
Ransomed Heart Ministries