Another "Bachelor" weekend..
Is it just me, or are Christian retreat weekends for women WAY outnumbering any type of Christian activities for the guys?
Every year it seems like Marianne and Rose go off to some of the ladies weekend retreats. Which I think is good. It just seems like there's not much going on over on the male side of things.
Marianne and Rose left around noon today for one of these events. I'm here with the boys.
I'm not too sure that I'd go if they offered such things for guys. A couples retreat, perhaps, but a men's retreat? At this point in my life, probably not.
Because I've become aware of a deficiency in my life. I don't have any male best friends anymore.
I used to. But, it seems like most of them have moved away. Although I still stay in touch, it's not the same as being able to head over to the Dairy Queen and "hang out." And, in a lot of ways, I miss that. I don't know anyone that I can call up and chat with like I did a few years ago.
I believe I'd feel like the "odd man out" at a men's retreat. I am basically unemployed at this point and struggling to survive. Because my self-confidence is low, I would probably pretty much keep my thoughts to myself. I did enjoy some church camps while I was growing up. At that time, I had several friends that I felt comfortable with, and could ask such questions as "Do you have any idea where the bathroom is?"
I still have bad dreams about going to unfamiliar places alone, such as a school or college, and getting lost trying to find my way around. I really did get lost..several times..on my first day of school in 7th grade. That day was horrid and may be the reason I still have these dreams sometimes. I couldn't find several classrooms..NEVER found the bathroom..all day..and I don't care to repeat the experience..ever!
Of course, the bachelor weekends aren't bad - I do hang out, as it were, with Benjamin and Daniel. I like the fact that we are close and love each other so much. I don't know of any other guys I'd rather be spending time with.
But unless it's a family-type retreat where Marianne and the boys can go, I think I'll pass.