Broadcasting Live.."Loud and Proud" the Neighborhood!
Today I did my first three-hour live radio show on Musicbox 1610.
And..I was as happy as a kid on Christmas.
Despite the fact that my 100-milliwatt pea-shooter has a limited range, I've already begun receiving some reception reports.
So far, we've been picked up at:
Gainous Landscaping, 5460 Apalachee Parkway (1.64)
Nino's Restaurant, 6497 Apalachee Parkway (2.24 miles)
Twin Lakes Subdivision (covers it)
Sam's Club on Dick Wilson Blvd. (2.2 miles)
Murphy Oil, 3501 Apalachee Parkway (0.9 mile)
State Employees Credit Union, 2770 Capital Circle, SE (1.15 miles)
Leon County Tax Collector's Office, 1210 Capital Circle, SE (1.7 miles)
Advanced Auto Parts, 3406 Apalachee Parkway (1.06 miles)
Adkins Forest Lane (1.8 miles)
(Distances are from transmitter site to the received location)
I don't know who may have heard the show this afternoon..but I had fun doing it, and that was the point of building the station in the first place. I'm finding it nice to actually turn on the
radio during the day and be able to listen.