The 3-point Business Plan
One night I was still awake at midnight when I found something that made a lot of sense to me.
Ever since I started doing the copywriting here and there I've seen how almost every marketer
hits you with an idea - they mention a problem then offer a solution.
Of course, that solution is usually their $497 or $997 e-book, course, or product.
The first thing I stumbled into was Ben Settle's suggestion to always have at least three things going at all times - which are:
1. A fee-based project;
2. A joint venture;
3. One of your own products.
Now, Ben is a writer I can identify with. When he was just starting out, financially things just could hardly have been worse. He and his wife (they were newlyweds that time, I believe) were renting an office just to have a place to live. It shared a bathroom with the landlord, who of course did NOT know they were living in the office. Bad situation.
Ben doesn't have these kinds of problems now. He's well established - and someone I respect.
Then I happened to find a thread where writer Andrew Cavanagh talks about rewriting websites that don't pull - for local businesses. His report I purchased for just under $20.
Between Ben's suggestions and Andrew's report, a light bulb came on.
I decided that I'd run with a 3-point business model from now on.
1. Fee-based project - for me, this is rewriting websites for a set amount.
2. Joint venture - continuing direct mail with Universal Direct/EasyLife, which has been my
most successful marketing project ever.
3. My own project - this will be WJJD as a PRO station. This includes airtime sales, a
swap shop/trading post program, program sales, affiliate links and such all related to the
radio station.
WJJD will become PRO in the next week. Starting August 1, paid ads will start. Then, the week of August 18, I will begin doing a daily live-and-local country music program.
I also will begin streaming the MUSIC OF NEW LIFE program on Sunday mornings.
Today I am awaiting the final (I hope) electronic device that will allow the live programming once again.
A three-part business should keep me busy, while hopefully earning enough to help us pull out of this slump - while still allowing time for me to home-school Benjamin and Daniel.
Looks like a busy fall.
Here's Ben Settle's website
Here's Andrew Cavanagh's website