Now THIS kinda troubles me..
This week in the news I read where Yahoo! and AOL may both discontinue their webcasting businesses. They are saying that the 38% increase in the amount of royalties they pay are
(paraphrase mine): making their Internet radio businesses no longer viable.
For most of 2007, many webcasters (myself included) have lived under a cloud of uncertainty about their futures. We don't know ehen the other shoe is going to drop - the klunky boot that will knock our streams off the air once and forever.
The threat of competition is behind it all. Not the need for artists to be paid their "fair share."
If that's really the case, then why wouldn't SoundExchange's executive director take a pay cut (he makes in excess of $200k a year) so that the artists actually could see a little increase? No, the funds have to come out of other folks' pockets.
Trouble is, my pockets don't have much left in them.
After seriously considering taking WJJD Internet radio professional..I've changed my mind.
And here's why:
Imagine spending months - maybe a couple of years - working to build a viable business out of an Internet radio station. Building an audience..finding sponsors..all the traditional radio work.
Then one find that your streaming provider, be it AOL, Live365, LoudCity or another closing down.
There's just no way to build a viable business here.
As long as the costs stay close to what they are, WJJD is not in danger. But, as a personal broadcaster, I can't sell ads. WJJD has made nothing in 2007. I'm paying for it out of pocket.
Trouble is, my pockets don't have much left in them.
In all honesty, folks, I'm looking at other options to continue radio broadcasting at this point.
Musicbox 1610 is just the beginning.