It seems as if practically everyone in our immediate family is at one of those "crossroads" stages of life, myself included.
For example, my wife Marianne, is scheduled to graduate from Florida State University in August. She's not quite sure what job she'll be doing after then. Chaires Elementary's afterschool, where she is now, or something else..she doesn't know?
And, I'm not singling her out ny any means. From the time I retired from WCVC Radio in July of 2004 until quite recently, I've felt a bit lost as to what I should be doing as well. Of course, as most of you know by now, I've decided to train to be a copywriter. I'm also set to re-launch my direct-response marketing business in June, which will operate pretty much hand-in-hand with the writing. I'm pleased to be partnering up with a company that I did some marketing work with back in 2004 that did quite well.
Other members of the family are facing their own crossroads and choices. I shouldn't even write about this, but two days before Gramma Geraldine passed away, my uncle (her youngest son)
left town. No goodbyes, no forwarding address, no mention of where he was going..just gone. Not a "thank you" for three years of basically free rent from Mom and Dad. Just a yard and house full of mostly junk, piles of rubbish, vehicles, boats..that will cost hundreds of dollars to have hauled away. Nothing says 'love' more than being AWOL from your mama's funeral, does it?
We all have choices to make. We all make poor choices at times. I use the three-day method:
Whever there is a major decision to be made, I take three days to pray about it and really dialogue with God about it. That is, I pray, and then..IMPORTANT..I just try to be quiet and listen for God to speak. If that means going someplace solitary for a bit, that's okay.
I think all too often we forget to be still and listen for God's answer. Sometimes it seems clear..sometimes not.
I think I make better, wiser choices when I use the "three day method" I just described.
Whatever your crossroad in life may be at the moment, I hope that things go well, that you'll make right choices, and that your dreams will come true.