Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Newbie Copywriter Keeps Running Hard

One of the things that I know to be true is that to have a successful business, you need to have things "in the pipeline," so that business keeps flowing rather than going through the "feast or famine" syndrome.

So, even though I am pretty booked up at the moment, I have applied for some other, smaller projects. I have a big assignment coming up in my course. 4 "live" projects going on right now
and a couple of small projects that I've bid on, and am still waiting to hear back. I can rearrange projects around to meet all the deadlines I may run into, and I am good about keeping the paying projects on schedule.

For instance, last week, one project had a split-test letter. Today, I completed a split-test
email campaign - same letter to two separate lists.

So, today, even with so much work going on, I took time to inquire about a project involving improving a company's website. If I get it - great - I'll jump on it. If I don't..I have plenty of projects, so it doesn't really matter.

No matter what, I'll be running hard and writing..and studying..and writing some more..every day.

That perserverance, I believe, is the key to winning this game.


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