Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Constant State of Flux?

One thing I've found frustrating lately is the fact that it seems like every time I make a
hard decison, like what to do about our house, a brick wall pops up to stop it.

I'd recently come to a decision, and had put things in place for the possibility of actually replacing our mobile home, with one just a little smaller, on this same site.

That's when one of my copywriting letters from last summer happened to be discovered by
a family friend doing some business for a local real estate company.

Last week, my folks received two calls, within hours of each other, from two separate parties who are interested in buying our Tallahassee property.

This brings us full circle to two years ago, when a binder was placed on the property. Believing
a move was immenent, we were told to start packing up some things. Those boxes are floating around the house even now.

Funny thing, I stopped sending out that particular letter last June. Mom and Dad decided to just sit on it for the time being. Of course, the letters are still out there. One was discovered on Jan. 3.

So...will we stay here or will we move? That's been a question we've been dealing with for nearly six years now. I'm about ready for an answer to it - one way or another.


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