Monday, July 16, 2007

I'll Soon Be Saying "So Long" to Arbor...

Last week, after having just mailed back a package that was more than 30 pages long
of a 'provider agreement' to cover Benjamin and Daniel...

Two more packages arrived, both of them major examples of repetitive unneccesary paperwork. I've already filled out all of this, as recently as April. We were inspected in April and passed almost everything. I've since gotten the missing curriculum book that decided we needed to have in addition to the ones we're using now.

Last August, when I initially began working through Arbor to take care of the boys, it seemed like a great idea. Arbor would pay most of the tab for the boy's care up to 45 hours per week. Just get a curriculum and teach from it regularly, so that the boys will be ready for school when the time comes.

This year, it got harder..go to a 30 hour class..more health and safety inspections..take pictures of the boys at activities..take CPR class again..get your files together..go get fingerprinted again..
take a 5 hour class...

...for a whopping $300-ish per month. That averages $1.75 per hour.

...If I were actually working on all of this paperwork..everything, including interacting with the boys..would come to a stop. It's that much stuff. Hey folks, I'm a one-person show here.

So, after this month, I've decided to say goodbye to Arbor. I'll either live without the $300, or
make it up another way..but the paperwork shuffling and hoop-jumping is about to stop.

After all, the more you can get government out of your life, the more happy and productive you'll be. At least that's what I say!!


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