Saturday, November 01, 2008

Mule Day

It's been several years, so today we packed up and rolled to Calvary, Georgia, home of Mule Day.

This year, I got to see some of the parade. It featured old tractors and automobiles, horseback riding clubs from surrounding areas, and of course..mules!

The booth area has greatly expanded since the last time I was there. We spent most of the day there and still only covered about half of the booths.

We made a pocnic out of it and splurged on corn dogs, chicken tenders, a funnel cake. and lemonade. The weather was gorgious.

After lunch we toured the Mule Museum. I was especially fascinated with the old pocket watches, some dating back to the 1800s. Had a nice chat with the fellow there at the display, being the clock fanatic that I am. Kind of makes me want to build a few clocks again. It seems to be a lost art.

The boys went for pony rides and we went through some more booths. Marianne had some birthday money left and bought a couple of items.

We're kind of tired and worn out tonight but we sure enjoyed the small town feel of Calvary.


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