Thursday, April 20, 2006

EEEEK! Unexpected Pay Cut!

One of our income sources is taking a pretty deep cut next month..then not quite so deep after that..
The source is my monthly disability pay. This actually started around the end of 2002, after the year or so it took to actually get it started. Bounced paychecks from my employer at the time (see post "When The Flip Is A Flop") along with
too much debt. finally drove me to the point of doing something I never thought I'd do - apply for disability pay. Even though I've probably totally qualified for all my life.
I have a form of congenital cataracts that makes me legally blind. I've always had it to deal with. And I've dealt with it by living as close to a normal like as posssible. Mainstream classes; community college; FSU; jobs; volleyball (for fun, not as a team sport!); marriage. With my vision at 20/400 I can't legally drive a car on the road. But I do almost everything else.
The pay is just over half of what I earned working full-time in radio - so that should tell you, it's not much pay. This week, the state sent notice that it is not covering the health care premium, and they've got to take $265 out of my already not-substantial pay to cover it. Starting in June, it'll be $88 a month out of it.
May is going to be a tough month financially. If I told you the actual amount
that'll be left, you'd wonder, "How in the world can anyone survive on THAT?"
I'm asking myself the same question.
The answer is: I can't, and my family can't.
This is exactly why I've plunged in and started my new business. I'd rather be working and paying my own way.
Blind Services offers you career choices of cafeteria work, cafeteria work or cafeteria work. I'll pass. Sounds like long hours and the same low pay.
Please check out this website to see where I'm heading!


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