Saturday, March 17, 2007

SoundExchange borders on outright fraud..

The more I delve into SoundExchange's business practices, the more I believe that this organization should cease to exist.

Because their entire business is defrauding Congress, the American people and the Internet broadcasting industry.

Apparently, the money that they are supposedly collecting for royalty payments doesn't always get to the artist. It's covering administrative costs.

..Maybe like the big gala celebration that they decided to have a few nights after sticking it to the small webcasters.

..Maybe like the 8 million that's being used for software development and website.

..And the 7 million in loans to the RIAA?


Some of the artists whose music is played are saying that their plays are not showing up in the matrix used to determine the royalties.

That makes it sound like the royalties are rigged. Is SoundExchage allowed to pick and choose which artists they want to compensate? If so, who determines which artists get paid and who doesn't?

What about webcasters who signed the Small Webcasters Settlement Act, commonly known as the SWSA, in good faith? The SWSA was still being provided, and was being signed, by both SoundExchange and webcasters as recently as February. Of course, the CRB ruling on March 2 voided the SWSA. So when is offering a contract that's about to be null and void a good business practice?

Maybe I'm being too hard on SoundExchange. Maybe they're just negligent.

Nah..I can't convince myself of that. A den of thieves, crooks and liars? I'm starting to think that, and every comment I've seen this week by SoundExchange director John Simson and spokesman Willem Dicke makes me more and more suspicious of this organization.

They have lied to Congress. They have lied to the Internet broadcasting community. They have
probably lied to the American public - the listeners.

And probably to the artists, too.

It is time that SoundExchange be eliminated. It has no purpose in a "free"

Go to SAVE NET RADIO, if you haven't already, and join us..NOW.

Internet radio is fighting for survival and needs your help.



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